Are you looking for the best solutions for your business? Or perhaps you’d like to explore digital technologies and need support? Fill out our contact form and let us know how we can assist you.
Contact FormOur team comprises experts with knowledge, passion, and experience. We understand the daily challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector and know that simply delivering ready-made solutions is often not enough. That's why we offer comprehensive support – from consulting to project execution. Whether you need immediate assistance, specific information, or a long-term business partner, we are here for you. Write to us or give us a call. Let’s talk about your business!
Improvement Factory sp. z o.o.
ul. Kręta 1, 80-217 Gdańsk, Poland
Telefon: +48 663 890 125
E-mail: info@imfactory.com.plNIP: 584-23-99-554
KRS: 0000193996
Sąd Rejonowy w Gdańsku
VII Wydział Gospodarczy

The Free Consultation Process:

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