ImProdis is an informational indicator, analytical and reporting system, as well as a set of training and workshops supporting in the preparation and implementation of changes in the organization, consisting of the implementation and digitization (or optimization of the existing) indicator system.

1.Process control

The layer in which specific orders and tasks are carried out. It is responsible for the implementation of plans and is the source of all information and product quality.

The ImOperator and ImDiagnostics tools allow to enter real information directly into the system from the process: obtained from machines and those declared by operatos. At the same time, they provide information about current tasks to be performed.

2.Process Supervisory Control

The layer in which direct control over the current course of the process and the implementation of the current production plan is exercise. At this level, the efficiency of both entire production lines and individual work centers is monitores.

ImSupervisor and ImViewer tools support department managers, maintenance amanagers, master, brigadiers etc. They provide them with information necessary to analyse current problems as well as the possibility of operational management.

3.Manufacturing Operations

Layer responsible for supervising, monitoring production and managing operations. At this level, the level of implementation of existing plans is accounted for and new goals are set for the future.

ImPortal tool, thanks to predefined reports and carefully selected indicators, supports the management team in the process od analysing the company’s result and making decisions shaping the future of the organization.



is a web portal presenting in a graphic form the information collected and processed by the system. It contains predefined sets of reports and analyzes grouped and tailored to the needs of users on 3 levels of the company: managerial, operational and management level.


is an application that allows to obtain information about the current state of machines, production orders and information about operators in real time.
It can be used to present Andon screens in the production hall (TV) or in the office.


is an interface designed for production supervision and maintenance services. It is used to view the real and historical states of machines, production orders and information about operators on positions.


is the operator interface (www) placed at the workplace Its task is to manage and present the real and historical states of machines as well as the management of production orders.

Features of the solution

ImProdis is an example of an open and dedicated production system built on the basis of standards. Digitization using ImProdis means modularity and objectivity not only for IT specialists.

Out of the box

The solution prepared for quick and easy implementation in almost every organization and environment. It is an innovative perspective within production management systems.


The system adapts to the organizational maturity of the plant. This is a non-standard approach in thinking about the concurrent development of both the system and the organization. Functions are available only when they are actually required.


The area covered by the system can be freely shaped and expanded as the organization grows. This unconventional solution allows to manage coverage according to customer needs.

Real measurement

The data comes from sensors, meters and machine control systems and is enriched with categorical descriptions declared by the Operator. The system is based on reliable data from measurement sites, which allows the analysis of actual results.

Indicator analysis

The system provides a structure of reports, prepared by production consultants according to the WCM methodology. Indicators in them are tailored to the needs of users at all levels of the organization.

Operating model

The logical model implemented in the system reflects the actual organizational structure of the company, thanks to which work with the system interacts with the organization’s daily routine.

Management by facts

The decision-making process in a production organization should be standardized so that the right and necessary information is always “at hand”, and the effectiveness and efficiency of key decisions is increased.

Management by facts is the mechanism for moving from data to information to operational knowledge and, consequently, to more effective management through more effective decisions.

Management by facts allows to gradually move away from the model of intuitive action to the model of studying the nature of the phenomenon and problem, correctly describing it and inferring (making decisions) based on knowledge.

Typical benefits of implementing ImProdis


Increased efficiency

The solution helps to maintain work positions with the highest efficiency and provides support in competing at a higher level in accordance with the principles of continuous process improvement.


Certainty of implementation

Scheduled activities are directly transferred to the system and allocated to specific production sockets, and the implementation process is subject to continuous monitoring.


Sustainable development

Organization development in the scope of stabilization of production processes and increase of efficiency (performance and availability) of positions. The ongoing changes are matched to the pace of organizational development.


Increased flexibility

Increased speed and flexibility thanks to reliable real-time production data. Multi-context analysis supports the accuracy and speed of decision making.


Cost reduction

A more precise allocation of funds, budgets for improving the organization. More efficient management of fixed assets costs. Reduction of costs related to unplanned downtime and reduction of quality losses.


Standardization of solutions

Increased efficiency of the supply chain due to fast and reliable information flow between company departments using standardized IT systems.

Paweł Firek
Paweł Firek
ImFactory Team

Effective digitization with ImProdis

The software by ImFactory Team is the result of our many years of experience with configuration, implementation and creation of open dedicated systems supporting the industry. It is a solution based on ISA-95 standards, constantly developed and expanded with new functional categories

The environment of solutions for a production organization, which includes both organizational improvement methods and IT tools and systems that support them, allowing to direct changes in the developing enterprise.

Specialized modules for AVEVA MES

A system of digital and mobile information flow as well as reporting to support the processes considering walking around dispersed objects or supervision of resources at the production facility.
A tool that enables improving the efficiency of production resources through advanced diagnostics of machine availability.
An IT indicator analytical and reporting system, as well as a set of trainings and workshops supporting the preparation and implementation of changes in the organization, consisting in the implementation and digitization (or optimization of the existing) indicator system.
A flexible reporting and analytical portal supporting tools from the ImFactory group.
A comprehensive solution based on standard APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) software as well as process optimization and strengthening team competences.

What do we deliver to our clients? How are we operating?

  • We diagnose / verify the needs of the organization
  • We select appropriate organizational and technical solutions, model changes and evaluate the profitability of an investment in a solution
  • We prepare people in the organization for change (consultations, workshops, training)
  • We implement technical solutions
  • We support the maintenance and development of organizational and technical changes