ImGo – is a comprehensive solution combining the best practices in the area of tools, processes and people, allowing for transfer of enterprise goals and plans considering resource for daily tasks.

1.Management level

The layer responsible for setting goals and plans for the company’s resources (eg facilities, machines, …). This level accounts for the degree of implementation of the existing plans and their economic effect. The data collected in ImGo and the possibility of their delivery to other systems of the company (eg ERP, CMMS ..) support the work of management in the above-mentioned scope.

2.Supervisory level

The layer in which the goals and plans of the company regarding the company’s resources (e.g. facilities, machines, …) are converted into tasks to be performed and the tasks are also divided among specific teams or people. This layer is responsible for exercising direct control over the ongoing implementation of tasks.

ImGo tools support team managers, maintenance managers, masters, foremen, etc. They provide them with the information necessary to analyze the ongoing implementation of tasks and plans as well as the possibility of operational management. Through the ability to scan NFC tags, ImGo ensures confirmation of the physical presence of the contractor on a specific enterprise resource at a specified time or facilitates the recording of the use of an appropriate spare part, tool, …

3.Implementation level

The layer in which specific tasks are performed. It is responsible for their implementation and is the source of all required information on their implementation and the state of the company’s resources (e.g. facilities, machines, …)

ImGo provides users with information about current tasks to be performed and allows to enter the required information related to a given task or enterprise resource into the system.


Planner Professional

– an application for mobile devices (cell phones, tablets) which is a tool for the user who performs tasks on specific company resources (eg facilities, machines, …). The ImGo application provides users with information about current tasks to be performed and allows to enter to the system the required information related to a given task or resource of the company. By scanning NFC tags, it confirms the physical presence of the contractor on a given resource or records the use of a spare part or tool.

ImGo server

– is a central place to store the ImGo system configuration (definitions of resources, users, tasks …), which configuration is used by ImGo mobile applications. The ImGo server is also a central repository of data collected from mobile applications. The data can be shared with other company systems (eg ERP, CMMS …) or reporting tools.

ImPortal client application

– universal client application used to configure the ImGo system (definitions of resources, users, tasks …) and to analyze data in ImGo with the use of reports.

ImGo features:

ImGo is used to support “inspections/ supervision” of sites in the facility or dispersed objects. Provides an action plan and enables a controlled course of processes (workflow).

Process mapping

It is based on a mobile phone and scanning of tags (mainly NFC tags) at the place of action.

Workshops and training

By eliminating paper from the circulation of information, it supports the implementation of the appropriate action and reporting it (including integration with other customer systems, e.g. CMMS). wykonanie odpowiedniego działania i zaraportowanie go (w tym w integracji z innymi systemami klienta np. CMMS)

Visualization and transparency

Online and offline work (no need for Internet on site).

Benefits of ImGo:


Ensuring the presence of a specific employee (own or from an external company) in a designated place and with a specified frequency or time:

  • by logging an employee into the system via a mobile phone with the use of domain authentication,
  • by scanning the NFC tag on the spot of activities.

Increasing the certainty of execution and the appropriate sequence of actions through a list of tasks / actions assigned to the employee:

  • the ability to define any actions (eg. Inspection, Notification, Breakdown, Repair ….),
  • support for the use of a suitable interchangeable part when part identification is possible, eg by barcode / QR.

Providing digital information flow:

  • elimination of paper reports (elimination of difficulties with access and analysis) or verbal communication of information,
  • writing down the required values from the object (eg measurements) directly to the system,
  • speeding up the response to reported values or reported irregularities,
  • reporting on an ongoing basis, from the place of operations, and not post factum, ie from memory, which increases the credibility of data,
  • ensuring access to up-to-date documentation in electronic form,
  • providing access to the history of site operations and other information in the central repository,
    central reporting,
  • possibility of integration with other systems (CMMS, HMI / SCADA….).
Jerzy Gęba
Jerzy Gęba
Main ImGO Architect

When designing the ImGO system, we focused on two main elements.

The first is convenience and ease of use. A coherent, transparent, ergonomic and modern interface was created. The second is versatility, which gave us the opportunity to implement the system to a wide range of applications that we meet at our clients production facilities.
Paweł Firek
Paweł Firek

Several hundred different operations are carried out daily in many companies and production plants.

In order to reduce the possibility of errors, one should try to automate certain procedures and operations. The first and at the same time the easiest step to implement, without interfering with the machinery park, may be replacing the “ubiquitous” paper with its digital equivalent. The ImGo system, thanks to its mobility, ease and speed of launch, enables digitization of work and minimizes the risk of errors.

Examples of ImGo applications:

ImGo was created to support services in companies with distant objects, such as thermal energy companies or water and sewage companies. It quickly turned out that it was also a perfect fit for other industries (e.g. food or furniture production) in which, apart from the maintenance departments, it also supports infrastructure maintenance departments (BMS / FMS), IT and health and safety departments and even HR departments.

Maintenance / BMS / FMSMaintenance / BMS / FMS

  • support for proper supervision of devices / objects (by employees or external contractors),
  • support for the implementation of tasks (inspections, repairs, breakdowns …),
  • support for the replacement of spare parts.


supervision of computer hardware


  • supervision of work safety,
  • supervision of decontamination of places / zones in companies (COVID-19).


mobile employee surveys at production facility


car fleet management (inspections etc.)

The environment of solutions for a production organization, which includes both organizational improvement methods and IT tools and systems that support them, allowing to direct changes in the developing enterprise.

Specialized modules for AVEVA MES

A system of digital and mobile information flow as well as reporting to support the processes considering walking around dispersed objects or supervision of resources at the production facility.
A tool that enables improving the efficiency of production resources through advanced diagnostics of machine availability.
A flexible reporting and analytical portal supporting tools from the ImFactory group.
A comprehensive solution based on standard APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) software as well as process optimization and strengthening team competences.

What do we deliver to our clients? How are we operating?

  • We diagnose / verify the needs of the organization
  • We select appropriate organizational and technical solutions, model changes and evaluate the profitability of an investment in a solution
  • We prepare people in the organization for change (consultations, workshops, training)
  • We implement technical solutions
  • We support the maintenance and development of organizational and technical changes