VIGO System SA is a manufacturer of semiconductor materials for photonics and microelectronics with over 30 years of experience. It was founded in 1987 as one of the earliest Polish startups. Right from the start, the company’s founders focused on the most advanced markets, enabling VIGO SA to become a supplier for NASA, with its detectors contributing to the detection of methane on Mars.
The story of VIGO System SA. Source: the company’s YouTube Channel
VIGO System SA manufactures various types of detectors for rapid temperature measurement, gas analysis,and the monitoring of hazardous substance emissions, among others. In Poland, VIGO supplies products to the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ SA), but the majority of its production is exported to Europe, China, and Japan. The company’s clients include NASA, Safran Aerotechnics, Emerson Electric Co., Caterpillar, and TRUMPF.
Photonics, the field in which VIGO System SA specializes, is a rapidly evolving field with substantial business potential. Numerous projects that were once confined to laboratory testing and scientific research are now transitioning into industrial applications. There is a growing emphasis on environmental protection, leading to an increased demand for monitoring CO2 emissions and hazardous substances in the air and water.
Known as the technology of the future, photonics is driving the development and modernization of solutions rooted in electronics and information technology. Consequently, a natural progression for modern technologies is to adopt photonics solutions. The fourth industrial revolution, with digitalization as its integral component, cannot exist without photonics, which plays a pivotal role in data gathering (sensors, cameras), processing (algorithms and optoelectronic systems), and transmission (lasers, optical fibers, data transfer systems, and displays).
The photonics market is expanding at an annual rate of 20-30%, accompanied by a corresponding increase in competition. Despite its achievements and recognition within the industry, VIGO SA aimed to become a major player for a prolonged period. Until 2015, its annual turnover hovered around EUR 5-6 million. To establish fruitful partnerships with large companies and become a competitive force in Europe and worldwide, the owners of VIGO System SA had to embrace significant changes. These changes, once implemented, would allow the company to flourish. Consequently, there arose the need to plan the company’s development over a longer time horizon and adopt a new strategy, with digital transformation as a key component.
“In 2016, after many years of organic growth, we adopted a new, considerably more aggressive company development strategy. We were aware that our potential to become a dominant player in the photonics market could only be realized through a successful transformation from a manufacturing plant into a modern production facility operating in accordance with semiconductor industry standards”, explains Łukasz Piekarski, CFO at VIGO System SA, regarding the rationale behind the investment.