ImPlan – is a comprehensive solution based on standard APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) software as well as process optimization and strengthening team competences.
ImPlan will allow to combine best practices in the area of tools, processes and people in your company, improving the implementation of strategic assumptions for production by effectively transferring them to the production schedule.
As part of the ImPlan solution, we can support this level by helping to improve the efficiency of the above-mentioned processes and implementing “what if” scenario analyzes.
ImPlan enables efficient balancing of sales needs and operational capabilities of production. ImPlan supports the implementation of production efficiency indicators, helps to monitor inventory while balancing the load on individual operational resources, including the generation of purchasing needs and ensures transparency of planning information.
ImPlan on this level allows to generate a detailed production schedule and enables to visually (Gantt chart) manage it in response to production events.
Planner Professional
Maintenance & support
Batch Processing
Advanced Scheduling
Material Management
Integration Core
ImPlan features:
ImPlan – following the spirit of Industry 4.0 – it combines in a unique way the improvement of planning processes, building of employee competences and providing precise APS tools, enabling permanent improvement of planning processes in the organization, both at the management, planning and scheduling levels.
Process mapping
As part of ImPlan, we offer to develop or revise maps of planning processes together with the representatives of the user company, allowing for increasing the efficiency of these processes.
Workshops and training
ImPlan offers a package of workshops and training courses aimed at gathering experience and knowledge existing in the organization, joint development of target solutions taking into account current trends in the supply chain and developing the competences of participants in planning processes at all levels of the organization.
Visualization and transparency
Thanks to the visualization of production schedules – with the use of Gantt charts – ImPlan enables easy verification of the duration of individual operations, order fulfillment dates, resource availability, priorities and existing threats to plan implementation. The planner can modify the schedules using a graphical interface – by moving individual operations on the Gantt chart – and ImPlan in the background makes sure that the resulting schedule is feasible. Transparency in ImPlan is the availability of schedules in their most current version in real time for all interested parties.
Planning stocks and operational resources
ImPlan enables precise resource planning and their effective assignment to specific operations, orders or projects that we want to plan. The key resources analyzed within ImPlan are machines, devices and tools, employees with their competences, estimated production costs and material stocks – the optimal levels are defined during workshop works.
Scenario analyzes
Thanks to the possibility of creating many scheduling scenarios for orders from clients in ImPlan, it is possible – in accordance with the spirit of Industry 4.0 – to analyze them (“what if”) depending on the adopted priorities and business goals and, consequently, to choose the most optimal one.
Benefits of ImPlan:
APS-class software has become a necessity in modern production organizations due to customer demand for increasing product range and fast delivery combined with pressure to reduce costs.
ImPlan can be quickly integrated with ERP / MRP software to fill the gaps in these systems (typically there is a lack of flexibility and accuracy in planning and scheduling).
ImPlan helps save planners time, while providing greater flexibility to update constantly changing priorities, production schedules and inventory levels.
Typical benefits of implementing APS – ImPlan application:
A radical reduction in the time of preparing a production schedule compared to the most frequently used tool, i.e. spreadsheets
Instead of processing data (input, supplementation), the planner obtains time to analyze various schedule scenarios
Full transparency of data, information and decisions in planning processes
Better timeliness of deliveries, reduction of stocks, higher production efficiency thanks to the optimization of the use of bottlenecks
Increasing the competence of planners
Reduction of the implementation tim

A tailor-made solution based on standards

Planning is the heart of a production organization.

Ib Andresen Industri
Introducing ROB-EX in production is like introducing a GPS in your car

Baltic Emballage
Only 65 % of orders were delivered on time – today on-time delivery has reached 99.8 %

Rynkeby Machine Shop
Rynkeby Machine Shop have more orders in production and their delivery performance is improved

JP Group
Resource management with ROB-EX in complex production

Bifodan has improved their on-time delivery rate from 82% to 98% and have increased their turnover

Production Scheduling in food manufacturing industries
ROB-EX for strategic scheduling and allocation of capacity
Pro-Automatic saves money on overtime costs after the implementation of ROB-EX

Cabinplant coordinates all project plan and production schedules in ROB-EX

Fipros get more through their production apparatus because they spend less time on machine setup and changes

Novozymes has reduced lead times by 30% and achieved a considerable increase in productivity

OTV Plast
OTV Plast handles more orders because of better scheduling

UG Metal
UG Metal delivers on time and utilize ressources better as well
The process of preparing and implementing: uncomplicated

WOCA has increased production by 20% – same manpower
Planning and scheduling of production using ImPlan software, part I
The training is intended for people involved in planning, in particular production scheduling, and people who are just starting their path with these issues. Participants will learn about the role of planning and scheduling in the enterprise as well as the role of the tools themselves and their basic functionality.
Why is it worth choosing this training?
- An excellent introduction for those getting into planning and scheduling.
- A great opportunity to see how the implementation of tools can support processes in the enterprise.
- Getting to know the basic functionalities of this class systems.
The scope of the training :
The training covers the key issues related to the functioning of planning and scheduling in the company’s Supply Chain – roles, needs, tasks and how the software can support these challenges.
Among the functional modules developed during the classes, the following can be distinguished:
- Planning, as part of the enterprise management system / APS in the structure of computerized systems in the enterprise
- ImPlan – overview and discussion about the available modules
- Data structure in ImPlan
- Configuration of basic functionalities: resources, calendars, routes, operations
- Creating and scheduling orders in ImPlan
- Visualizing progress and responding to changes
- Overview and editing the plan
- Searching and filtering
- Appearance Customization
The training focuses on basic functionalities and operating strategies to provide a basic overview through the range of possibilities.
Planning and scheduling of production using ImPlan software, part II
The training covers the issues of advanced mechanisms for handling planning processes and preparation of schedule from the order level to shipment marking. It is intended for people who have undergone basic training and have some knowledge of planning processes.
Why is it worth choosing this training:
- Getting to know a broader spectrum of software functionality.
- Possibility of obtaining knowledge about the process in the end-to-end form.
- Presentation of specific options for more complex challenges.
The scope of the training :
The training covers issues related to the so-called advanced scheduling, which includes logistic elements, material management, formulation, etc. It touches upon topics related to the entire course of the Supply Chain, and even to the implementation of production and the methods of its registration for planning purposes.
The scope of the training includes:
- Setting up warehouses and defining materials
- Material planning – BOM and restrictions
- Multi User – parallel work on the plan by many people
- Changeover sequences and matrices
- Planning of projects/orders
- ShopFloor – work execution reporting environment
- Integration of external systems, files, excel, databases
IMPRODIS: Production planning and scheduling – methodology
The aim of the training is to familiarize participants with the issues related to planning and scheduling production according to the ERP model. During it, participants will acquire practical skills in the scope of processes and tools of an effective Operational Planning Model.
Why is it worth choosing this training ? :
- You will acquire up-to-date knowledge of effective planning in production organizations
- You will learn the ERP Operational Planning Model
- You will understand that effective planning is not only the production planning department
- You will learn the specifics of planning in various production strategies
- You will learn how to effectively optimize planning processes
- You will discuss the challenges facing your organization with the practitioner
- You will learn about the success factors of real implementations
- You will analyze how to improve the effectiveness of communication in planning
The scope of the training :
- Sales forecasting in various supply chain strategies as an element that initiates production planning
- Production planning objectives and the company’s strategy and the supply chain
- Classic model of ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) planning hierarchy
- S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) as an element of decision making in every company
- The role and scheme of creating MPS (Master Production Schedule) in organizations
- Logic and elements of material planning MRP (Materials Requirements Planning)
- Planning and Scheduling – is it the same?
- Inventory management – elements, best practices, policies, tools
- Indicators and reporting in planning – what does “good” planning mean?
- How to optimize planning in the company? Key Issues
IMPRODIS: Managing by facts using production indicators – methodology
The aim of the training is to familiarize participants with the concept of Management by Facts and the use of indicators to monitor production efficiency and the benefits for the organization of implementing such solutions. In addition, solutions that enable more effective and faster collection of production data as part of the digitization concept in Industry 4.0 will be discussed.
Why is it worth choosing this training ? :
- You will learn how to start an adventure with the transformation of production towards Industry 4.0
- You will learn why and how to manage a business based on facts, not myths
- You will see how to increase the efficiency of production supervision
- You will learn a simple way to digitize production and its reporting
- We will show a solution that will allow the employee to concentrate on production rather than filling papers
- We will show you how to quickly, on-line and visually show the current state of production, identify problems and areas with potential for improvement
The scope of the training :
- What characterizes the company of Management by Indicators?
- The role of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in improving the efficiency of the organization.
- Indicator models and rules for their cascading in the process of describing the organization.
- Methods for defining indicator targets
- Elements of the Management by Facts System.
- Information accuracy and reliability as the basis for effective analytics.
- Selected performance indicators – exercises.
- Development of reporting support systems in organizations.
- ImProdis – IT platform supporting Management by Facts.
- Workshops based on sample data within the ImProdis platform.
Planning and scheduling of production using ImPlan software, part I
The training is intended for people involved in planning, in particular production scheduling, and people who are just starting their path with these issues. Participants will learn about the role of planning and scheduling in the enterprise as well as the role of the tools themselves and their basic functionality.
Why is it worth choosing this training?
- An excellent introduction for those getting into planning and scheduling.
- A great opportunity to see how the implementation of tools can support processes in the enterprise.
- Getting to know the basic functionalities of this class systems.
The scope of the training :
The training covers the key issues related to the functioning of planning and scheduling in the company’s Supply Chain – roles, needs, tasks and how the software can support these challenges.
Among the functional modules developed during the classes, the following can be distinguished:
- Planning, as part of the enterprise management system / APS in the structure of computerized systems in the enterprise
- ImPlan – overview and discussion about the available modules
- Data structure in ImPlan
- Configuration of basic functionalities: resources, calendars, routes, operations
- Creating and scheduling orders in ImPlan
- Visualizing progress and responding to changes
- Overview and editing the plan
- Searching and filtering
- Appearance Customization
The training focuses on basic functionalities and operating strategies to provide a basic overview through the range of possibilities.
Planning and scheduling of production using ImPlan software, part II
The training covers the issues of advanced mechanisms for handling planning processes and preparation of schedule from the order level to shipment marking. It is intended for people who have undergone basic training and have some knowledge of planning processes.
Why is it worth choosing this training:
- Getting to know a broader spectrum of software functionality.
- Possibility of obtaining knowledge about the process in the end-to-end form.
- Presentation of specific options for more complex challenges.
The scope of the training :
The training covers issues related to the so-called advanced scheduling, which includes logistic elements, material management, formulation, etc. It touches upon topics related to the entire course of the Supply Chain, and even to the implementation of production and the methods of its registration for planning purposes.
The scope of the training includes:
- Setting up warehouses and defining materials
- Material planning – BOM and restrictions
- Multi User – parallel work on the plan by many people
- Changeover sequences and matrices
- Planning of projects/orders
- ShopFloor – work execution reporting environment
- Integration of external systems, files, excel, databases
IMPRODIS: Production planning and scheduling – methodology
The aim of the training is to familiarize participants with the issues related to planning and scheduling production according to the ERP model. During it, participants will acquire practical skills in the scope of processes and tools of an effective Operational Planning Model.
Why is it worth choosing this training ? :
- You will acquire up-to-date knowledge of effective planning in production organizations
- You will learn the ERP Operational Planning Model
- You will understand that effective planning is not only the production planning department
- You will learn the specifics of planning in various production strategies
- You will learn how to effectively optimize planning processes
- You will discuss the challenges facing your organization with the practitioner
- You will learn about the success factors of real implementations
- You will analyze how to improve the effectiveness of communication in planning
The scope of the training :
- Sales forecasting in various supply chain strategies as an element that initiates production planning
- Production planning objectives and the company’s strategy and the supply chain
- Classic model of ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) planning hierarchy
- S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) as an element of decision making in every company
- The role and scheme of creating MPS (Master Production Schedule) in organizations
- Logic and elements of material planning MRP (Materials Requirements Planning)
- Planning and Scheduling – is it the same?
- Inventory management – elements, best practices, policies, tools
- Indicators and reporting in planning – what does “good” planning mean?
- How to optimize planning in the company? Key Issues
IMPRODIS: Managing by facts using production indicators – methodology
The aim of the training is to familiarize participants with the concept of Management by Facts and the use of indicators to monitor production efficiency and the benefits for the organization of implementing such solutions. In addition, solutions that enable more effective and faster collection of production data as part of the digitization concept in Industry 4.0 will be discussed.
Why is it worth choosing this training ? :
- You will learn how to start an adventure with the transformation of production towards Industry 4.0
- You will learn why and how to manage a business based on facts, not myths
- You will see how to increase the efficiency of production supervision
- You will learn a simple way to digitize production and its reporting
- We will show a solution that will allow the employee to concentrate on production rather than filling papers
- We will show you how to quickly, on-line and visually show the current state of production, identify problems and areas with potential for improvement
The scope of the training :
- What characterizes the company of Management by Indicators?
- The role of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in improving the efficiency of the organization.
- Indicator models and rules for their cascading in the process of describing the organization.
- Methods for defining indicator targets
- Elements of the Management by Facts System.
- Information accuracy and reliability as the basis for effective analytics.
- Selected performance indicators – exercises.
- Development of reporting support systems in organizations.
- ImProdis – IT platform supporting Management by Facts.
- Workshops based on sample data within the ImProdis platform.
Specialized modules for AVEVA MES
What do we deliver to our clients? How are we operating?
- We diagnose / verify the needs of the organization
- We select appropriate organizational and technical solutions, model changes and evaluate the profitability of an investment in a solution
- We prepare people in the organization for change (consultations, workshops, training)
- We implement technical solutions
- We support the maintenance and development of organizational and technical changes