
ImGo is a digital, mobile information flow and reporting system for supporting the management and supervision processes of an organization’s facilities, employees and resources.


ImGo has a rich set of functionalities to effectively support the information flow on each of the three levels of the company’s operation:

• Production,
• Operational,
• Management.

Click on the above tabs for details.

1. Production level
The layer where specific orders and tasks are carried out. It is responsible for the execution of plans and is the source of all information about the process flow, production execution and product quality.

ImGo provides users with information about current tasks to be performed and allows them to enter required information related to a task or resource into the system.

2. Operational level
The layer where direct control is exercised over the current course of the process and execution of the current production plan. At this level, the efficiency of both entire production lines and individual work centers is monitored.

ImGo supports team leaders, maintenance managers, foremen, etc. It provides them with the information they need to analyze the ongoing execution of tasks and plans as well as the ability to manage operations.

3. Management level
The layer responsible for exercising supervision, monitoring production execution and managing operations. At this level, the level of execution of past plans is accounted for and new goals for the future are set.

ImGo supports the management level mainly by reporting the status of production and maintenance processes based on up-to-date, reliable and unambiguous data.

Main functionalities

A complete set of features for efficient management and tracking of production at every stage of manufacturing.


Wide possibilities of functional form definitions with different levels of complexity


Various possibilities of object identification


Information in the form of parameters, files and links can be associated with each object


Configurable user and group access to specific objects, resources and forms


Ability to define and monitor single and linked threaded tasks


Proven technologies with versatile capabilities

Licensing and implementation

Different variants of licensing and implementation

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Find out why we created ImGo and who it is for
ImGo Senior Project Manager w ImFactory

“When designing the ImGo system, we emphasized two main elements. The first was convenience and ease of use. The result was a consistent, clear, ergonomic and modern interface. The second is versatility, which gave us the ability to implement the system for a wide range of applications that we encounter with our clients.”

ImGo Manager | Business Development (CEE)

“In many companies and manufacturing plants, several hundred different operations are carried out daily. To reduce the possibility of errors, one should aim to automate certain procedures and operations. The first and at the same time the easiest to implement step that does not require interference in the machinery can be the replacement of the “ubiquitous” paper with its digital equivalent. The ImGo system, thanks to its mobility and ease and speed of deployment, enables the digitization of work and minimizes the risk of mistakes.”

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What do we deliver to our clients? How are we operating?

  • We diagnose / verify the needs of the organization
  • We select appropriate organizational and technical solutions, model changes and evaluate the profitability of an investment in a solution
  • We prepare people in the organization for change (consultations, workshops, training)
  • We implement technical solutions
  • We support the maintenance and development of organizational and technical changes


Want to learn more? In our Knowledge Base, you'll find articles and webinars prepared by experts to expand your knowledge.


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What is ImGo?

ImGo is a digital, mobile information flow and reporting system for supporting the management and supervision processes of an organization's facilities, employees and resources.

What are the benefits of using the ImGo system?

The main benefit of ImGo is the company's successful digital transformation at the level of replacing paper and spreadsheet with mobile forms and a database system.

How does the ImGo system integrate with other systems? How does it work with e.g. ERP, APS, CMMS, WMS?

The ImGo system is a database system, so it can integrate with any other such system. Both as a provider and client of data. A common practice is to implement the ImGo system as a mobile interface for entering information into the company's existing system, which does not have such functionality

How to prepare for ImGo system implementation?

The ImGo system implementation project, like any other project, begins by determining what problems, needs or challenges the system needs to respond to and to what extent. Only after determining these issues we can begin the work of defining the main users, stakeholders of the project or conducting an inventory of the machines and systems in our possession, as well as specifying specific requirements. At this stage, an external consultant can be invited to help.

Where to start when implementing the ImGo system?

It is a good idea to start implementing the ImGo system by preparing a demo in the form of Proof of Concept or Proof of Value. This means implementing the system in a version that is limited in functionality or area, but in a scope that will prove that it meets the main objectives of the project. This is the stage of the business case for the investment, resulting in the delivery of the so-called MVP (Minimal Value Proposition).

How much does the ImGo system cost?

The price of the ImGo system depends on a number of factors and can range from a few thousand to even a few dozen thousand PLN. The main factors determining the price of the ImGo system include the number of users, objects and forms functional scope, the method of licensing (perpetual or subscription) or the method of hosting (local, cloud, hybrid).

What industries typically use the ImGo system?

The first implementations of the ImGo system took place in companies managing a distributed structure of facilities, namely in the plumbing and heating industries. Then came implementations in many manufacturing companies in the furniture, automotive, food and other industries, among others.

What is the post-implementation support?

Post-implementation support is divided into warranty and post-warranty (service). Regardless of the period, post-implementation support consists of service processes called SR (Service Request), which include preparation of fixes and workarounds for reported bugs, software version updates, system performance monitoring - in general, all issues related to ensuring continuity of operation in accordance with SLA provisions. The second stream of requests handled are the so-called FRs (Functional Requests), which involve making improvements, optimizations, changes in configuration or adding new functions or areas - that is, system expansion in the broadest sense. In addition, consultants visit the plant, check how the system is being used and collect feedback directly from users.

What are the possibilities for the development of the ImGo system?

Typical areas of development of the ImGo system are: - addition of new functions that have not yet been implemented, - extension of the system to new areas, e.g. departments that have not yet been digitized, - integration with external systems for which communication channels have not yet been established. These areas can, of course, occur in various combinations and scopes.

How is the data from the ImGo system reported? Can I connect the ImGo system with my BI system ? Can I export data from ImGo system to Excel, Minitab, Statista

ImGo stores data in a standard Microsoft SQL or PostgreSQL database, access to which is open to users with the appropriate level of authorization. Thanks to this, without the slightest problem, the ImGo database can be connected as a data source to any BI solution, as well as other tools such as Excel sheets, Google Sheet, Minitab or Statistica.
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